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Re: Display on CD, CE, CX

On Wed, 30 Aug 1995, Robert George wrote:
> On Aug 29,  8:17pm, <sandy@sandy.com> wrote:

> > I didn't know Sony was IBM's Japanese manufacturing connection.
> > Is this common knowledge?  Is each system (PowerBook, ThinkPad,
> IBM's Thinkpad design group is in Austin, Texas.  They design the laptops
> there, and send the specifications to Sony.  The Dell story is more

The 700's, 720's, and 750's were designed in Japan.  The 350's and 701's
were designed in the U.S.  I'm not sure where the 755's and 360's are
from.  Despite my less than stellar batting average with facts recently,
I am sure that this is correct --  three IBMers, two from Thinkpad 
development, told me so.  :)

Most of the TFT LCD's are from a joint IBM-Toshiba plant in Japan.
John H. Kim        "A common mistake that people make when trying to design
jokim@mit.edu       something completely foolproof is to underestimate the
jokim@tuna.mit.edu  ingenuity of complete fools." -- Douglas Adams