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Re: Where to get a bigger HD?

On Mon, 28 Aug 1995, Arturo J. Morales wrote:

[re: HD source]
> I know that this has been discussed to death in this list, but all the info I
> have is some months old.  So please excuse my waste of bandwitdh and thanks in
> advance for your help...

The Road Warrior Co (http://www.roadwarrior.com) now has the slim height 
Toshiba 800M jobbies at a price only about $140 or so more than the 540M 
drives are on average. I'd encourage you to just drop the change now as 
more and more fatware is coming out and the TP is a one drive design. 
Might as well make SURE you'll be able to do what you want...

 Donald Alan Whiteside     MDCC Wage Slave     School of Computer Science
         Official Usenet Dork for the week of Jan 9-13, 1995
      GCS d-- -p+(---) l u+(-) e+ m+ s !n h f g+ w+ t+(++) r- y++ 
          "The universe is not in the habit of giving up 
       explanations to cursory examinations" - Garth Thornton 