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Re: WD90C24 for OS/2

Addressed to: Chris Hanson <cph@martigny.ai.mit.edu>
              Thinkpad <tp750@cs.utk.edu>

** Reply to note from Chris Hanson <cph@martigny.ai.mit.edu> 08/24/95  
10:03pm -0400

>    Someone mentioned using a new WD90C24 driver recently on a TP. This
>    driver was not available from ftp://ftp.pcco.ibm/pub/mobiles
>    but from an OS/2 site. The driver I found on the OS/2 site was,
>    -------
> 			    WD90C24 Device Driver
> 				     for
> 		      Toshiba Models T4700CT and T4700CS

This is not the correct driver for the 75x or 360 series systems. You want  
the wdcxxp.zip file. I can get it from IBM's driver ftp site in Europe.

Scott A. Stratmoen
Northrop Grumman