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Thinkpad and X?
I am using an IBM Thinkpad called 370C, it has 12 MB RAM, 540MB HDD, TFT
Active Display (SVGA, as usual, maximum 640x480x256). I installed Linux
on it and it worked fine. Now I'm trying to install X 3.1.1 from
Slackware 2.2 on it, but the Config-File (/etc/XF86Config) isn't working.
I've fixed everything except the monitor things...who can tell me how to
configure the X-Server to get the Display right?
I hope to get an answer soon *smile*
Read you,
Hanno Wagner, Student der Fachhochschule Hannover, Fachbereich IK
email: wagner@www.bid.fh-hannover.de
URL: http://www.bid.fh-hannover.de:80/~wagner/
IRC: Rince (usually on #germany or #muenster or #braunschweig)
"This is also a story about sex and drugs and Music With Rocks In.
...one out of three ain't bad."