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Re: does anyone have list price of 1.2 gig drive handy?

** Reply to note from dewar@GNAT.CS.NYU.EDU 06/21/95 07:57am -0400

> "There's another way to do it it.  Instead of buying a 1.2 GB Thinkpad drive,
> buy a 1.2 GB bare drive and a 170 MB Thinkpad drive.  Open 170 MB case,
> replace with 1.2 GB drive, sell 170 MB drive.  Does somebody with the prices
> handy want to figure how much that works out to?"
> that of course won't work now, because bare 1.2 gig drives are not available
> in the end market. Later on that is perfectly reasonable, and others have
> done this with smaller drives. Of course you are losing the guarantee, but
> if you don't care about guarantees, this is a pefectly reasonable approach.

How long is the warranty?  The warranty on the IBM OEM (bare) drive I bought was
1 year.  That warranty would be unaffected whether or not I placed the drive  
inside a plastic housing.  You may lose the warranty on the smaller drive, but
for a 170 Megger (if IBM still sells those) the cost shouldn't be that great.

The reason I originally went this route when I got my 340 MB drive was because
the price differential between the Thinkpad and bare drives amounted to a 70%
"insurance premium."  i.e. getting the TP drive would've gotten me a plastic
case and possibly longer warranty for 70% the cost of getting a second bare
drive.  I decided to get the bare drive.  If it died after a year, I could buy
another one and only be down 30%.  It might be interesting to see how the price
on the 1.2 GB drive works out once it's widely available.

|\ ______________________________________________________________________\
| |                                                                       |
| | John H. Kim          "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like    |
| | jokim@mit.edu        'contributing' this year come April" - Bob Dole  |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu   on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word "taxes." |