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Re: does anyone have list price of 1.2 gig drive handy?

On Wed, 21 Jun 1995, John H. Kim wrote:

> ** Reply to note from heiby@falkor.chi.il.us 06/20/95  9:28pm CDT  
> > While I do not object to the principle of IBM being able to get whatever 
> > they can get for their product, it does rankle when the bare drive is 
> > sold for $1,000 less than the drive in a plastic box with a piece of 
> > wire, a label, and two connectors with a bit of cable between them. I 
> > would happily pay $200 for IBM's box and related paraphernalia. sigh. 
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> There's another way to do it it.  Instead of buying a 1.2 GB Thinkpad drive,  
> buy a 1.2 GB bare drive and a 170 MB Thinkpad drive.  Open 170 MB case,  
> replace with 1.2 GB drive, sell 170 MB drive.  Does somebody with the prices  
> handy want to figure how much that works out to?

yup :)  ...this is what I just did with a 810 drive ...I bought a 120
used for $160 ...and switched the case over ....

Now...anyone need to buy a 120 meg drive?
