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Re: Warp & APM (was SVGA Win-OS/2 under Warp)

On Tue, 30 May 95 14:55:32 MDT you wrote:

>On Tuesday, May 30, 1994, Scott A. Stratmoen writes:>Can anyone who is running on either a TP701 or a TP755 verify that APM
>functions such as suspend/resume and hibernation work as advertised under
>OS/2 Warp?  Thanks much.

I'm running OS/2 Warp with a TP755Cs.  All the APM features work, except that I have not tested hybernation, which I have no interest in.

It is best to install the OS/2 Thinkpad features APM stuff from the features diskette that comes with the TP.  It has more options than the APM that ships with Warp, although the latter do work fine with the TP.

Roger J. Buffington	
1L, USC Law Center	

Go Trojans!!
WARPing with PM-Mail

"You can't teach that horse to sing!  No one can!" said
the King's courtiers...

"He gave me a year, and a lot can happen in a year.  The horse
might die.  The king might die.  I might die.  And perhaps the 
horse will learn to sing..."