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-No Subject-

Please introduce yourself!  Tell us what kind of machine you have,
how it's configured (how much memory/disk, what accessories, etc.),
and what operating system(s) you are using.

Thanks, Robert, for getting me in here.  Sorry for geeking out on you.

I'm a systems analyst in a company of about 100 PCs & Macs, including one 
755CD, one 755C, one 360 and an ever-increasing number of 360C's (about 12 
right now):  typically 20 x 340, all on WFW 3.11, all with USR Sportster 28.8 
PCMCIA modems (except the 755CD, of course) and Xircom PCMCIA Ethernet Cards, 
using the Netware 4.0 client vlms on _802.3 and _II frame types (haven't yet 
flown solo on the _II).  Several are on docking bars for external monitor, 
keyboard, etc.  Most are running WIN32s and WinTCP (some are on Chameleon), in 
a dual boot configuration for the LAN & remote access to  Lotus Notes.  
Possibly going to  QEMM v7.5, if it doesn't conflict with the video & the rapid 
resume-- I'm testing it this week.  Yeah, it keeps me busy.  We are buying IBMs 
because they're the easiest to open up & troubleshoot/upgrade (we also have 5 
other brands in the house, which we no longer buy) and nobody's Trackpoint 
knock-offs have come close to the original-- yet.  My current dilemma is 
getting the 755CD to accept DRAM cards.  Even IBM's crap out after a couple of 
weeks.  Any tips would be much appreciated.

@( oo )@
      ( .. )
Michael J. Verne
"Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man that he didn't already have."