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Re: 755cx - Mailorder YES, IBM-Direct NO (Long)

 > >Sounds to me like you need some assertiveness training. You should have 
 > >asked to speak to a supervisor...
 > Thanks Ron, good feedback and I totally agree.  Customers should be
 > assertive and stand up for what's right...

Sometimes you don't have time to do the research to find out what's
right, or the energy to be assertive enough to get it.  I prefer
companies that can be trusted to give you a decent (if not the
absolute lowest) price every time.  You may say that if I'm not
willing to do the research I deserve to be ripped off, but modern
society would not be possible without delegation of authority.

Certain mail order companies seem to have a "no bull***t" culture
which makes this work, or so it seems to me.  Examples from Computer
Shopper include Insight, CMO (aka Storage USA), OS Computers, First
Source Intl.  Authoritarian religions and alternative lifestyles seem
to help, look for companies in central Pennsylvania, Utah, San
Francisco, etc...  :)
