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Re: 755cx - Mailorder YES, IBM-Direct NO (Long)

On Fri, 19 May 1995, David Fox wrote:

>  > >Sounds to me like you need some assertiveness training. You should have 
>  > >asked to speak to a supervisor...
>  > 
>  > Thanks Ron, good feedback and I totally agree.  Customers should be
>  > assertive and stand up for what's right...
> Sometimes you don't have time to do the research to find out what's
> right, or the energy to be assertive enough to get it.  I prefer
> companies that can be trusted to give you a decent (if not the
> absolute lowest) price every time.

	When I bought a pair of T3400's from CDW (one for me and one for 
my dad), the price the were asking was around $1500,  I thought that was 
a pretty good price... until the next morning.  I checked the 
comp.sys.laptops news groups, and somebody reported buying new, complete 
T3400's for $1000, from PC's Complet.  I called to verify, and they had 
50 3400's that they were selling at that price.  So, I decided to call 
CDW and see what they would do, after all, they do have a policy of 
matching prices, and it wasn't 12 hours after I had bought the machines.  
They wouldn't budge more than about $50 at first, but after a little 
persistance, and speaking to a couple of other people I got the to throw 
in a 8MB RAM card into the deal at no extra charge.  Not exactly what I 
wanted from CDW, but not too bad anyway.  We lost money on the deal, but 
CDW probably did more than it needed to to insure a happy customer.
