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Re: 755cx - Mailorder YES, IBM-Direct NO (Long)

>Concerning CDW.
>   I'd like to give the other side of the coin.  I live near to CDW and have
>visited them a number of times in the past few years.  two years ago, I saw
>they had a BJ-200 for $179.  I called to confirm the price and the rep told
 ----stuff cut here----
>buying whatever product's price I ask for.  I have been very dissatisfied
>with CDW.  I just wanted to give the other side.
>see ya.            --Conrad

Thanks Conrad, I appreciate your feedback.  Unfortunately, you had a bad
experience.  If that happen to me, I'd feel the same way.  Most companies
seem to forget that the employees we (as customers) interface with ARE the 
company from our perspective.  A company is only as good as the person 
representing it. In your case, the CDW rep was a numbnut, so your impression 
of CDW is negative.  Upper management at CDW probably had no idea that this guy
was pissing customers off.  I would have asked to speak to a manager and his
manager if necessary until someone provided the service I expected.  This
kind of feedback is useful to companies and usually helps to improve their

Unfortunately for most companies, human nature is to say screw-em, walk out 
and never do business with them again.

Based on my personal experience with CDW and on similar experiences from 
friends who have also purchased from CDW, I know they are a really good 
company and I feel very comfortable dealing with them.  Next time call Derek 
at the number I posted earlier and I think you will change your feelings.  All 
I want from this relationship is the best possible price, friendly 
(knowledgeable) service, and quick delivery.  CDW (Derek) has fulfilled my 

Sorry for the CDW digression, but selecting the "right" reseller is almost
as important as selecting the right ThinkPad. 

     --Sandy       / _  _ \
                  (  @  @  )
         | InterNet : sandy@sandy.com |
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