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TCP/IP Connectivity to UNIX machines

As part of my neverending battle to get my TP755CE "ready for everything"
for my sabbatical, I am trying to both understand and implement the
ability for my TP to talk TCP/IP to both a standalone SPARC 10 and to
a TCP/IP LAN.  I want to do this under DOS and Windows first.  My aim
is to allow my ThinkPad to telnet and ftp to workstations on a TCP/IP LAN.

But first, I want to be able to connect to my other home machine, a Sparc 10,
so that I can do backups, etc.

Here are the raw materials I currently have:

	Pre-MAX PCMCIA Ethernet card supporting both 10Base TPE and
		thinwire ethernet.  It apparently is NE2000 compliant,
		among others.  Basic client netware is also provided
		(ipxodi, pmxmlid,netx, lsl), though I am a novice to

	MS-Kermit 3.14 with TCP/IP ODI support.

	A Sun Sparc 10/41 running SunOS 4.1.3.

	A twisted-pair cable.

I am not planning to run WFW, or a Netware server.  I'm only interested
in connecting to UNIX boxes.

Is it possible to simply connect the twisted-pair cable from ThinkPad to
the UNIX box, or do I need some kind of hub adapter?  I want my hardware
requirements to be minimal so I don't have to carry a lot of junk around
when I travel.

On the assumption that I don't need a hub, I have done some basic driver
setup on the ThinkPad side, to the extent that kermit attempts to connect
to the Sun.  But it returns saying that it cannot resolve the address.  I
believe I have set up the UNIX side correctly, so I think it's either a
driver problem, or that my assumption that I could use twisted-pair like
a serial cable is wrong.

I'd appreciate hearing from others who have experience in this sort of thing.

Has anyone had success in getting Kermit to work with ODI, Ethernet and
SLIP/PPP drivers?

Eugene Fiume.