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Re: Introductory Information (ExSum: Nothing yet!)

> At 08:49 PM 2/5/95 -0800, Randal Whittle wrote:
> >	Even then, I wouldn't buy a Powerbook until they get a PowerPC
> >chip into those things.  Anything less is buying an obsolete machine
> >right off the bat.  The 68K chips are dead--or will be *very* soon--
> >as far as Macs are concerned.  I can see Apple no longer even *making*
> >a machine with a Motorola 68K chip inside of 2 years--maybe less.
> Aren't they supposed to be upgradable?  I know, it's only a claim, but isn't
> that the claim?  (kinda like all those 486's that are pentium upgradeable :)

	Sort of.  Some machines are more upgradable than others, but as
always, its usually a kludge.

	One model of Powerbook is PPC upgradable, but the upgrade
is not available yet.  Some of the Quadras have the ability to be
"upgraded" to a PPC chip via a board in a NuBus slot.

	But as always, these have their drawbacks--and then there are
most of the Mac machines which simply can't be upgraded at all.

	The problem here is that the PPC is *entirely* different
architecture.  Its not quite as simple as getting one of those Cyrix
"486" upgrade chips to stick on top of an old 386 chip.

-----                                          ________________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |       Y'know, Tuna just      |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)|    doesn't taste the same    |
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm         |      since they took the     |
    right, they should be yours too.)          |          Dolphin out!        |