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Re: Introductory Information (ExSum: Nothing yet!)

Hello Kevin,

Good to see a new laptop unix user down there !!
I personnally have a 360CSE. 486DX2/50 with 340Mb disk and dual scan
screen. I keep a small partition for DOS/Windows (nearly 40Mb). The other
part of the disk is dedicated to unix. I firstly tested FreeBSD. It runs
well if you use a special kernel because there is a keyboard problem.
Otherwise it seems OK. Now I run Linux (latest snapshot) with no particular
problem. Thought I just have 4Mb (but I plan to extend to 12Mb), I runs
well. Floppy support is now incorporated in the kernel (version 1.1.7x and
higher). You just have to use floppy=thinkpad on the LILO command line for
correct support. The hard disk is still a problem. You need a patched kernel.
The patch is included in the kernel sources. Just have to reverse the #ifdef's.

XFree is hard to configure correctly but it runs in 640x480x256 using the LCD

Feel free to ask for more infomation concerning Linux and Thinkpad.

 St'ephane ERANIAN			| Email	eranian@chorus.fr
 Universit'e PARIS VII			|	eranian@litp.ibp.fr
 LITP - Laboratoire d'Informatique	|
 Th'eorique et Programmation		|
 2 place Jussieu			|
 75251 Paris cedex 05			|