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Re: Introductory Information (ExSum: Nothing yet!)

At 08:49 PM 2/5/95 -0800, Randal Whittle wrote:
>	Even then, I wouldn't buy a Powerbook until they get a PowerPC
>chip into those things.  Anything less is buying an obsolete machine
>right off the bat.  The 68K chips are dead--or will be *very* soon--
>as far as Macs are concerned.  I can see Apple no longer even *making*
>a machine with a Motorola 68K chip inside of 2 years--maybe less.

Aren't they supposed to be upgradable?  I know, it's only a claim, but isn't
that the claim?  (kinda like all those 486's that are pentium upgradeable :)
jesse montrose         jesse@spine.com http://www.hooked.net/people/jesse
                     I don't recycle.  I'm a consumer, damn it, I consume