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RE: Lots of questions...

In message Tue, 17 Jan 1995 13:52:42 +0000,
  jfid@mfltd.co.uk (James Fidell)  writes:

> I have a TP755C, 20Mb RAM, DOCK I, PCMCIA ethernet card, SMC Ultra
> ethernet card in the docking station which I sometimes swap with the
> controller for an HP Scanjet IIcx, external SCSI CD ROM and lots of


> 1)  Is there any point installing MS-DOS and WfW 3.11 instead of PC-DOS
> and Windows 3.1 ?  Is it likely to be more reliable ?

PC-DOS is just MS-DOS with a few files changed/renamed.  I don't know about
WFW3.11 vs. Win31, although the joke among OS/2 users is that Microsoft
made it to break OS/2 for Windows 2.1.  (It works in OS/2 Warp, except for
peer to peer)

> 2)  If I do install MS-DOS rather than PC-DOS, can I still use the power
> management stuff and if so, how ?  Are there other things I won't
> be able to use ?

Yes, just be sure to select APM (Advanced Power Management) in DOS's
setup.  No.

> 3)  If I have to use PC DOS, how do I go about transferring it from my
> (single partition) 540Mb disk to a 300Mb partition on my 810Mb disk ?

You won't have to do this, but if you did:

Format a floppy.  From the 540 drive, type "sys a:".  Put in the 810 drive.
Boot off floppy, type "sys c:".  All the other files can be copied over
(your ethernet card and a network server sounds like a good temporary place
for all your files).

> 5)  When I install OS/2, what's the correct selection for the soundcard
> type ?  The install program suggests the Crystal Semi 4231, but
> nowhere in the documentation does it tell me what the Thinkpad sound
> system is.

Crystal Semi is correct.  The drivers are somewhat buggy.

> 6)  I assume that it's correct to install the OS/2 versions of the
> Audio and Video Features software.  Is there anything else I should
> install under OS/2 ?  (DOCK I options ?)

You don't need the Thinkpad Audio and Video features software under Warp.
If you run into problems (video on a mono is buggy) you may want to go back
to the older TP software.

> 7)  I'm trying to install IBM C Set++ v2.1 for OS/2.  However, the
> multimedia tutorial won't work properly.  It asks for the audio
> device number when installed, suggesting a default of 1, but how
> do I find out if this is correct ?  Will it work at all ?

Hmm, don't know about this one.  Have you tried asking IBM?  If the
multimedia uses MMPM, it should work with the TP755's limited audio.

Where do you get the money for all these toys?  :-)
| |                                                                     |
| | John H. Kim  "God knows what she could've gotten my mother to say." |
| | jokim@mit.edu    - Bill Clinton to Newt Gingrich, on Connie Chung   |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu     jokim@tuna.mit.edu does not work (yet)       |