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Re: ADMIN: Its time to rethink putting this list on Usenet..

In message Fri, 16 Dec 94 11:15:11 PST,
  george@cs.nps.navy.mil (Robert George)  writes:

> Hmmm, a recursive mail thread. I might be able to get a journal article
> out of this one...  :)

Been there, done that.

Another mailing list I'm on got a bad address subscribed.  The machine
bounced the message back to the From: line instead of the Reply-To: so the
bounce was sent to the mailing list.  The mailing list sent it back out,
where it bounced again, and so on.  Two days, over 5000 bounces, and several
crashed systems later we got it sorted out.
| |                                                                     |
| | John H. Kim    "None of what you are seeing is actually happening." |
| | jokim@mit.edu        - disclaimer for TV movie 'Without Warning'    |
| | jokim@uni.uiuc.edu     jokim@tuna.mit.edu does not work (yet)       |