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Re: ADMIN: Its time to rethink putting this list on Usenet..

> I think this group has out grown the mailing list. It time to reconsider 
> starting a group on usenet....  I woudl probably have to unsubscribe 
> soon because of the traffic and the fact that my 750C is stable and the 
> clutter in my inbox outways the benefits... If this group would exist as 
> a usenet group, I wouls visit it once a week or so, glance over, read 
> what I think I want to, respond, and done... 
>  So? what do you say?

I agree with the traffic in my mailbox. I find it hard to sort out
important work related (i.e. Northrop) mail from the Thinkpad list.
Scott A. Stratmoen | strat@ast.dsd.northrop.com
                   | (708) 259-9600 (ex 24762)