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ADMIN: Its time to rethink putting this list on Usenet..

I say nay...I much more prefer having this as mail.


To:	TList@INTERNET (TP-750 List) {tp750@CS.UTK.EDU}@BUSSYS	
From:	ALitman@INTERNET (Arie Litman) {owner-tp750@CS.UTK.EDU}@BUSSYS
Date:	12/15/94 01:32:00 PM
Subject:	ADMIN: Its time to rethink putting this list on Usenet..

O-CMS-ErrorsTo: owner-t @ INTERNET (owner-tp750) {owner-tp750@CS.UTK.EDU}
I think this group has out grown the mailing list. It time to reconsider 
starting a group on usenet....  I woudl probably have to unsubscribe 
soon because of the traffic and the fact that my 750C is stable and the 
clutter in my inbox outways the benefits... If this group would exist as 
a usenet group, I wouls visit it once a week or so, glance over, read 
what I think I want to, respond, and done... 

 So? what do you say?

Arie Litman
(408) 324-4411                          

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 22:00:37 +0100
From: Edmund Ronald <eronald@cnam.fr>
To: jesse@spine.com, tp750@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: Re: ADMIN: file attachments

I've had enough of these attachments. If files over 10K are regularly
submitted I will have to unsuscribe.
