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Re: ADMIN: Its time to rethink putting this list on Usenet..

On Thu, 15 Dec 1994, Keith Moore wrote:

> > I think this group has out grown the mailing list. It time to reconsider 
> > starting a group on usenet....  I woudl probably have to unsubscribe 
> > soon because of the traffic and the fact that my 750C is stable and the 
> > clutter in my inbox outways the benefits... If this group would exist as 
> > a usenet group, I wouls visit it once a week or so, glance over, read 
> > what I think I want to, respond, and done... 
> I always find it odd when people complain about the volume here, and
> the proposed solution is to move the discussion to usenet.  Doing so
> will surely not decrease the volume, and will surely increase the
> noise-to-signal ratio!

I agree! comp.sys.laptops gets cross-posted with all kinds of junk! 
Something that doesn't happen with E-Mail

> 3. A 'digest' list (separate from the main one) which lumps 
>    articles together in batches which are periodically sent out.

An excellent suggestion! Another list I'm on offers a daily digest option 
 - you can choose to receive the messages individually, or a single daily 
mailig containing ALL traffic that day. Advantage: you now have just one 
message to browse when you have time. Disadvantage: it's tough if you 
wish to reply to a particular message, as they are no longer distinct in 
your reader.

> 4. A www browsable archive of the list, that anyone on the Internet
>    could peruse at his or her leisure.  (so you don't actually have
>    to subscribe to the list to keep up)

Also a good idea - a long-term resource available to the entire Net!

> I'd be willing to invest my copious free time in any (perhaps
> multiple) of these approaches.

Keith - I think you'll find several folks (me included, if I can find time 
<g>) who'll help with administration tasks once the tech stuff is handled.


> #3 is not too difficult to do here, and if lots of people want it I
> will start working on it in earnest.  
> #4 would only help people with good tcp/ip access.  it would be very
> useful...but it might not quite fit people's needs in this case.  I
> suspect tools for the web server already exist, it's just a matter of
> finding them and getting the disk space...
> Keith

Adam Lee Wilkinson          * Just remember, no matter where you go,
adam@tiamat.umd.umich.edu   * there you are!   
Compuserve: 75470,71        *                 - Buckaroo Bonzai