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SOLUTION: 3com & Port Replicator

Hello folks,

Finally, I now have the 3com PCMCIA card working in slots 3 or 4
in the Thinkpad PCMCIA port replicator slots.

The big breakthough was that 3com released new drivers.
I got them via their BBS: (408) 980-8204, up to 14400 baud, N, 8, 1.

The file was 3C589N.exe, and it was in their "New files" (or
new uploads, whatever) section.  It was dated Oct 94.  It is a
self extracting archive.

I am using their 3C589.exe program (ODI packet driver), and
everything seems cool with both the Port Replicator and with
EZPLAY.  Just remember to comment out the OPTION=IGNORE line
in the Ethernet section of your \thinkpad\autodrv.ini file.
Didn't have to add anything to my config.sys, didn't have to run
any 3com configure program, just insert & login in.  Finally,
my ethernet card works with easyplay like my megahertz modem does!

Note that this new archive also has odi, ndis, _and_ "clarkson" style
packet drivers for the card.  (the clarkson driver supposedly will
not support re-configuration via card & socket services, but the ODI
one sure appears to since it is working just fine with EZPLAY now).
Have not yet tested everything (like suspend, etc), but what I have done
looks great.

Note that I am using the most recent release of ibm's pcmcia/ezplay
stuff as well; got that from IBM's ftp site.

ENJOY!  I am!


Todd Tannenbaum                           email: tannenba@engr.wisc.edu
Director of the Model Advanced Facility   voice phone: (608) 262-3118
Computuer-Aided Engineering Center        FAX phone: (608) 265-4546
University of Wisconsin-Madison