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Re: Warp/APM woes

-- [ From: Wesley T. Dunaway * EMC.Ver #2.01P ] --

>[Stuff deleted]
>>specifically for use with the ThinkPad.  Warp comes with its own
>>drivers for the ThinkPad that are accelerated (unlike previous
>>but which cause the corruption on monochrome LCDs.
>[More stuff unashamedly deleted]
>>>Also, contrary to Sean's report on the Warp Beta, you seem to have
>>>Warp running SVGA on the TP750.  Is that correct?
>>This is correct.  The installation program automatically installs
>>correct video driver.
>Wait! Does SVGA work on the TP750 or not?
>SVGA worked fine in the Warp Beta II version on my TP750C.  >However,
Timothy Sipples told me that the Warp drivers for the >Thinkpad are bad
and won't work on the TP750 (no mention of >problems with the TP75xC). 
Can anyone confirm?
>Sean Chou / schou@uiuc.edu / CompuServe 73672,2111

The Warp drivers for the ThinkPad work.  They are much nicer than the
video drivers for OS/2 that IBM supplied with the ThinkPad for use with
OS/2 2.1 in that they are accelerated.  As the README reports, though,
there is Win-OS/2 corruption on monochrome LCDs.  The README indicates
that the normal VGA driver doesn't have the problem.  I hope that since
IBM knows about this that they are working on a fix.  

Wesley Dunaway