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Re: does anybody have more info on upcoming ThinkPads?

> Now, I've noticed an interesting trend for the Thinkpad 700.  Somehow a 

> upgrades are available at amazingly low prices.  This is however, over 

> Here are two examples: 
> The NiMH battery with power status indicators which originally sold for 
> ~$200 was reduced in June to $79, and in August was reduced to $39.  The 
> Docking station which originally sold for $595, was reduced in June to 
> $199 and in August to $100.  I'd love to ask someone at IBM how they 
> could possibly justify selling these things at their original prices, 
> since even at these extremely low prices they probably are still making a 
> little profit or at least breaking even.  One more example: port 
> replicator used to be over $100 is now $9.
> Joshua Hosseinoff

	<Grin!>  Just gotta hold out so I can get this stuff for my
750 for dirt cheap... ;)

-----                                          ________________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@chaph.usc.edu         |  Some guy hit my fender the  |
USC School of Business (Fight on, 'SC Trojans!)|other day, and I said unto him|
  (My opinions are mine, but since I'm         |  "Be fruitful and multiply." |
    right, they should be yours too.)          |   --but not in those words.  |