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IBM Service

In message Thu, 22 Sep 94 09:03:32 MDT,
  kyeanopl@amazon.den.mmc.com (Karl Yeanoplos)  writes:

> 	So, second question:  these things I've heard must be the
> exception rather than the rule, right?  Do any of you have a repair
> experience (good or bad) that you'd like to share?  Thanks for your
> help.  Regards,

I sent my TP750 in for repair in late August and was very please (almost)
with the result.  Turnaround time was less than 48 hours.  This is a
followup to the report I posted then.  I've included the original report at
the end for those of you who weren't around then.

As you may recall, the problem I sent the computer in for was fixed, but I
noticed high pitched noises coming from the computer upon bootup.  Well, I
had to pack and move to school so I threw the TP in its bag and forgot about
it for two weeks.  Once I got settled in at school, I started playing with
the TP to figure out where the sound was coming from - you know, BIOS setup,
self test, etc.  I noticed that the sound occurred only when the floppy
light was on, and in the self test the floppy test option was unavailable.
I popped in a floppy and tried to read it and sure enough the drive didn't
power up.

I called IBM the Friday before Labor Day weekend and got this reply:  You
can arrange to send the computer back for repair, or try to get it fixed at
a local dealer.  I said I'd try a local dealer and hung up.  I then found
out it was Labor Day weekend and nobody was going to be open on Monday.  So
come Tuesday I call IBM again just to see if I get the same answer.  This
time the guy gives me a number and says he's sending me a new floppy drive.
If it fixes the problem, great.  If it doesn't, I'll have to send the
computer in for repair.  He gives me a number and tells me I should get the
floppy early next week.

Next week comes and goes.  The week after that comes.  Before it goes, I
call IBM back on Friday.  They ask for my reference number.  ARRGGH!  I
accidently threw it away!  Since I've already waited longer than I was
supposed to, I ask if I can just send the computer in for repair.  The guy
says no way - if a replacement floppy is on the way, he's not going to
authorize another repair, unless I can find that number so we can cancel the
floppy.  He tries to look up my number via my name, address, and TP serial
number but no luck (Kinda funny that IBM can't do this).  So everyone

So I think I'm screwed, am wondering what to do about this.  Tuesday comes
and surprise!  A package from IBM.  Inside is 2.88 MB floppy drive.  Insert
it into my TP and everything works great.  No high pitched whine, and the
drive works.  I toss in a couple 1.44 MB floppies I converted to 2.88 MB
with the old drive, and they work fine (maybe switching converted floppies
between TP 2.88 MB drives isn't a problem?).  Everything is fine now, and
I'm just waiting for IBM to give me instructions on what to do about my old

All in all I'm pretty happy about this.  I haven't spent a dime so far and
the computer has had some serious problems fixed.  (Well, of course I spent
a few thousand extra dimes when I bought a computer with a really good
warranty, but this way it doesn't feel like I'm spending money :)  I only
had to do without the computer for 3 days, and I would rate the replaced
keyboard and screen as "better than new" - the screen has a better viewing
angle, and the keyboard "feels" better.

Original report follows:
The screen on my TP750 mono developed a chronic case of vertical lines.
I could make them disappear by flipping the screen back and forth, but
closing and opening the screen would make them reappear.  I called IBM and
they sent Federal Express out to pick up the computer Monday afternoon.
They told me four days turnaround so I went fishing on Wednesday.  :)

Wednesday evening I get home and find a note from Federal Express saying
they tried to deliver a package from IBM at 1pm.  Thinking about how the
events must have unfolded:  Monday 5pm, FedEx picks up package, flys it to
North Carolina overnight, delivers to IBM Tuesday.  IBMer unpacks computer,
replaces screen and keyboard (I complained about the lettering coming off
too), gets FedEx to pick it up later that day.  FedEx flys it back and
delivers it to me on Wednesday.  Wow!  Repaired in just a few hours!
(Incidently, assuming a straight path, this works out to my Thinkpad moving
an average of 114 mph for 44 hours :)

That would be the end of the story except:  all my old problems are fixed,
but now the computer makes high pitched whines and beeps when I first turn
it on.  Guess it'll be going back soon...  hmm, that'll give my 750 more
mileage than my car... :)

Incidently, if you ever need to return your computer and you want to keep
the box it came in when you bought it, ask IBM to send you a sling box to
ship the computer in.  They didn't tell me until it was too late (I'm moving
to school and I needed to get the computer fixed NOW) so I no longer have
that neat Thinkpad box with the handle.  Also, I take the rubber TrackPoint
'eraser' off because my sweaty hands work better on the plastic nub.  I
forgot to put it back on when I sent it in, but the replacement keyboard had
one so I basically got one for free.  You may want to consider removing your
'eraser' if you're sending the computer in to get the keyboard replaced
since IBM charges $12+ for 3 of them.
John H. Kim  jokim@mit.edu  jokim@x8.csrd.uiuc.edu  This message sent by NUPop
Cartoon by Mike Luckovich:
Briefer: "Intelligence reports North Korea's new leader is erratic, overweight
          and has a big hairdo.  He wasn't in the military which may lessen
          his sway with the armed forces.  He's obsessed with women ..."
Clinton: "Lemme guess.  He also plays the saxophone ..."