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Diskette station problems

The last week I spent a lot of time with backup problems. 1,44MB diskettes
both those formatted as 2,88 and plain 1,44 gave me a lot of problems. They
seem to develop Bad sectors in a well known pattern from the last days of my
IBM LS40SX. The pattern is showing as Bad sectors on the last opart of
Norton Disk Doctor, one spot for each X sectors and the distance narrowing
near the bottom, the foirst part of the surface is always OK.
Romurs tells that slim notebook diskette readers often behave
this way. My impression is that they are over-nervous, desktop PC's happily
accept problem diskettes and don't find bad sectors.

Moving data files seldom creates problems, but installing new software from
100% filled-up and compressed diskettes is a nightmare.

Any ideas ? What can I say to my supplier ?
Thor \ivind Jensen
Institutt for administrasjon og organisasjonsvitenskap
Christiesgt 17 N-5007 BERGEN, Norway
++47 5 212153