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RE: Battery Time

In message Fri, 8 Jul 1994 16:27:19 -0400 (EDT), <NEDRY@ids.net>  writes:

> Is the 7-6 hour battery time estimate for the TP755Cs anywhere near
> realistic. If it isn't what can I expect?

The 3.3 Volt 486 DX2/50 draws 460 milli-Amps (about 1.5 Watts) according to
the Intel specs someone posted to comp.sys.laptops a while back.  If the
755 battery is the same as the 750 battery, it's 3.3 Amp-hours.  So if the
only thing running on the computer was the CPU, you'd get slightly over 7

After you factor in the power draw from the memory, screen, system board,
and display, I think you'll be lucky to get a third of that.

Of course if someone who actually owns a TP755Cs could speak up we'd all be
John H. Kim                  |"If you don't let me play, I'm taking my ball
jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu     | and going home." - Philadelphia Phillies' John 
jokim@chs.cusd.claremont.edu | Kruk's T-Shirt upon his return to the team
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