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PDS for PCMCIA soon!

I picked this off one of the OS/2 newsgroups.  Personal Dictation System is
a hardware and software speech recognition package.  It's supposed to work
at 90 wpm (only needs short pauses between each word) and features context
sensitive spelling (tell it "Write a letter right now to Mr. Wright" and
it'll spell everything correctly).  Right now it's only available for OS/2
but IBM is supposedly porting it to other platforms.  It costs about $1000.
(Sorry if this sounds like an ad)

PDS on a TP would be way cool!

From: tim.sipples@gco.com (TIM SIPPLES)
Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.apps
Subject: PCMCIA Card for Speech Re
Date: Thu,  7 Jul 1994 07:28:00 GMT
Organization: GREATER CHICAGO 1-708-895-4042

>From: timtulloch@delphi.com
>Does anyone know if there's a PCMCIA card for the IBM Personal
>Dictation System or Dragon? I want to know if I can voice-enable
>a laptop PC. Thanks... in advance! --Tim

Slated for September for the IBM Personal Dictation System -- stay tuned.

John H. Kim                  |"If you don't let me play, I'm taking my ball
jokim@jarthur.cs.hmc.edu     | and going home." - Philadelphia Phillies' John 
jokim@chs.cusd.claremont.edu | Kruk's T-Shirt upon his return to the team
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