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Re: Sound Module IRQ setting

>however, i was wondering if there is a way of changing the irq setting in the
>sound module from irq 10 to anything compatible with most prg's. i would
>probably preffer soundblaster emulation than adlib...

In DOS there is a THINKPAD directory with with "PS2" command in it. This
command will let you change which IRQ the Audio device is conneected to.
I've been sorely disappointed with the SoundBlaster emulation and its
completely worthless with many of the newer titles that run in protected
mode. (This includes nearly every CD-ROM title out since last Summer)

There was a press release from IBM on a new audio chip that did register
emulation of the Soundblaster hardware, this was proabably a response to
this weakness. Personally this is a sore point since I was told by the
IBM folks at the Consumer Electronics Show that the TP750 had "full
soundblaster capability" (which it does, it is just incompatible) and
this mislead me.

>btw, is the overheating in the monitor and battery area normal while 
> chargin thebattery?

Heating, yes, Overheating, No. I find the battery can get nearly too
hot to touch when it is ramping up a charge, but the computer continues
to work fine. And yes, the screen does get quite warm.
