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Re: Sound Module IRQ setting

At 10:17 AM 7/7/94 +0800, Chuck McManis wrote:

>I've been sorely disappointed with the SoundBlaster emulation and its
>completely worthless with many of the newer titles that run in protected
>mode. (This includes nearly every CD-ROM title out since last Summer)
>There was a press release from IBM on a new audio chip that did register
>emulation of the Soundblaster hardware, this was proabably a response to
>this weakness. Personally this is a sore point since I was told by the
>IBM folks at the Consumer Electronics Show that the TP750 had "full
>soundblaster capability" (which it does, it is just incompatible) and
>this mislead me.

I've been disappointed with the SoundBlaster emulation as well.

Have hope, however... we may be saved by (gag) Microsoft.

As you know, the Thinkpad sound works _great_ in MS Windows.  The new
release of Windows (chicago, win 4.0, whatever) due out before the end of
the year has an API called WinG (G is for games).  

Basically, Microsoft wants to tap into the more & more seductive PC game
market.  This year they found that over 75% of PC games were introduced
for DOS; only a small number for Windows.  If they want Win 4.0 to become
the desktop OS for Intel systems, they needed to do something to cater
to the growing game/home entertainment market.

Thus their solution: WinG.  The WinG API provides what developers need
to make arcade type games in windows: fast(er) access to the screen,
some sprite type crap (i think), wav and MIDI threaded sound control, etc.  

The attraction for game developers is that by writing to WinG they
can have hardware abstraction (just like all windows programs do);
the attraction for you & me is that our great Thinkpad audio will
actually _work_ with these games.  (assuming IBM comes out with
Windows 4.0 audio drivers, which _they would not dare not to!!_).

Apparently ID already has a port of DOOM running on the Win 4.0 beta
using WinG.  ID says that DOOM for Win4.0/WinG will be in stores 
in time for Christmas.

I'm personally counting the weeks.... only 5.5 months until
I can play DOOM with the sound support on my Thinkpad!!! (hope, hope)


p.s. I learned this info from a newletter sent out to Dr Dobbs Journal
     subscribers, so I think it is reliable.