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Wanted OS/2 on Thinkpad 750 Expert in Minn.

We're looking for a OS/2 expert in the Minnesota Twin Cities
Metro Region

to help us port our OS/2 setup from a desktop environment to a
Thinkpad 750C environment -- we're encountering Trap 0008 or
either Trap 000D/E errors (depending whether we use 2.11 or 2.10
OS/2) on the Thinkpad but not the three desktops that we've been
able to successfully port to--two IBM PS/2 computers and one
Compaq EISA Deskpro.  The software on the machines is all IBM
except for the driver for the wireless network adaptor (either
NCR Wavelan or Soletek Airlan): IBM OS/2 and IBM TCPIP 2.0 (with
or without latest CSD corrections).

Let me tell you about our exciting project: we are working on
the future of physician charting -- using Pen-Based Computers
running MSDOS/Windows with a PCMCIA Wireless Lan network card
(for each Doctor in a clinic, say) to be routed to a OS/2
receiver station (one per clinic) that could be (via OS/2
multi-tasking) doing the following functions:

	* Communicating with the Pen Computers via Broad Band Spectrum
networking (wireless)

	* Communicating with the outside computing world, via TCP/IP to
our corporate computers and others on the Internet (UHC has a
class B Internet address)--most likely via 28.8 modems and using
the TCP/IP SLIP protocol.

	* Communicating with hard-wired networked locally-based
computers via hard-wired LANs--typically Token Ring.

	* Handling/Servicing CD-ROM access-requests from those in the
clinic--there could be a CD-ROM tower connected to the OS/2
server--this might mean the users are communicating to the OS/2
computer via MSLANMAN software or via NFS--this part of the
project is not yet done.

	* Handling print functions by users--this part of the project
is not yet done.

The expert should be adept at the following components:

	* OS/2 either version 2.1 or 2.11.
	* OS/2 TCP/IP 2.0 by IBM.
	* Thinkpad 750C with docking station, CD-ROM & OS/2 on it.
	* Troubleshooting Trap 0008 or either Trap 000D/E Errors.
	* Troubleshooting Hardware Interrupt conflicts.
	* (Optional) OS/2 IBM Lan Manager software and maybe IBM OS/2
Lan Distance Remote software, OS/2 IBM NFS software, or OS/2
Netware Redirector.

We do have a diagnostic utility available---Checkit Pro Deluxe
for MS-DOS.  

Interested OS/2 experts, please reply by email or fax to:
Internet ID: rol@uhc.com or 612-945-6502 (fax).

Roleigh Martin, Knowledge Engineer, Mail Stop MN06-6130
United HealthCare Corp., 9705 Data Park Drive, Minnetonka MN
612-945-6529 (voice and voicemail).

Notice date: 6-21-94		
| Roleigh Martin, Rt. MN06-6130     Opinions are mine not UHC   |
| UHC, Advanced Technology          AT&T/vmail:  (612) 945-6529 |
| 9705 Data Park Drive              FAX:         (612) 945-6502 |
| Minnetonka, MN 55343              Email: rol@lochness.uhc.com |
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