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RE: at&t vs. Mhz

I have a Mhz XJ 1144, and the X-Jack alone made me buy it.

I have had IBM, EXP, and non-X-Jack Mhz in the past, and those external 
telephone connectors thing-a-mies are big enough to annoy me and tend to 
slip out if I move the computer slightly.  I used duct tape to secure the 
connector on my IBM modem, because if it did not rest perfectly flat, I 
would hear the noise in the speaker even after connection.

But most importantly, since I travel a lot, the X-JACK makes it trivial to 
connect up to arbitrary phone lines.  Most of the time I unplug the wire 
from the phone in the hotel or customer site, pop the X-Jack right out of 
the modem, and plug right in!  Too simple.


P.S.  I have not had ANY  trouble with my Mhz since I started using the 
following Rockwell Modem commands in all my communications software:


to put it into error correction/data correction mode.

From: owner-tp750
To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU (Thinkpad tp750
Cc: chan
Subject: at&t vs. Mhz
Date: Friday, June 17, 1994 3:59PM

Which is better?  The AT&T or theMhz XJ 2114 PCMCIA modem?

Anyone haveany experiences?