Mail Thread Index
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- Declarative LETREC and DEFINE,
Matthias Felleisen
- compromise,
Matthias Felleisen
- [ comments? ],
Matthias Felleisen
- IEEE Scheme conformance test file,
Aubrey Jaffer
- lexically scoped Load,
Aubrey Jaffer
- scheme librarian person available,
- r^4rs,
Gerald Jay Sussman
- BEGIN in Scheme's Abstract Syntax,
- Scheme standard published,
Chris Haynes
- Semantics of DELAY,
Marc Feeley
- Order of evaluation within applications,
Amr Sabry
- Oops!,
Pavel Curtis
- R4RS,
Chris Hanson
- derived expression types,
John D. Ramsdell
- What I want in R^5RS,
Ken Dickey
LOCKS: What I want in R^5RS,
Jon L White
Macros in R4RS,
Morris Katz
Peter Naur,
Olivier Danvy
What I don't want in R^5RS,
Ken Dickey
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