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working openGL CDT demo
- To: Building Model Generation Group <bmg@graphics.lcs.mit.edu>
- Subject: working openGL CDT demo
- From: Seth Teller <teller@lcs.mit.edu>
- Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 19:04:17 -0400
- Organization: MIT Computer Graphics Group
- Sender: seth
BMG students (sean & jason especially), check out:
for the file cdt.tar -- it's a revised version of CDT,
along with a demo that shows how to create a CDT,
insert points, and use openGL callbacks to display it.
use the mouse button to add points once the window
comes up.
it seems we have multiple versions of CDT around;
jason, can you look through these and determine
which is the latest and greatest? that, plus the
demo code, is what should be checked into CVS.
prof. t.