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space label code has been integrated


Allen Miu's space label code has been integrated into acad2ug.  Currently, it spits label information into a *.label file in an obvious format.

The question now is where REALLY to store the space label information, and at what point in the pipeline it should be introduced.  I think there are 3 options:

  1. leave the labels in a separate file
  2. incorporate them as comments in the .ug file, and parse them out later in the walls program.  This assumes that dejunk propagates comments, which I think it does
  3. incorporate them as ug vertices, with a distinctive naming convention
For example, each line in the .label file looks similar to this:

255.000000 590.846000 0.000000 "251" "OFF"

Which could be translated into a unigrafix vertex like this:

v @251@OFF 255.000 590.846 0.000;

ug2iv would read all vectors with an ID starting with @, and make an iv label with the appropriate text.

The code's pretty flexible, so let me know what you'd like to see.