About Micado


Nada Amin has developed Micado as part of her Master of Engineering thesis at MIT EECS. Saman Amarasinghe and Bill Thies have supervised the project at CSAIL. David Craig, Todd Thorsen and J.P. Urbanski have provided essential feedback from the Hatsopoulos Microfluidics Lab at MIT.


Please send any feedback (positive or negative) to the lead developer, Nada Amin (namin@mit.edu).

Feel free report any issues you're having with Micado.

Source Code

Micado is developed as an AutoCAD plug-in using the ObjectARX programming environment. The source code is written in C++ when necessary, in C# when convenient, and in F# when possible.

Micado uses the free min-cost max-flow class libraries developed by CRIFOR.

The source code for Micado is freely available under the GNU GPL License v2. The Micado project source code repository is mirrored at Google Code.