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1) [Page 5, col 2, line 8] atsign => at-sign.

2) [Page 5, col 2, line -1] The note seems out of place.
	I suggest deleting it.

3) [Page 5, col 1, line 19] #fand => #f and.

4) [Page 9, col 1, line 21] Odd indent.

5) [Page 10, col 2] Program example not indented correctly.

6) [Page 10, col 2, line -l] comma/at-sign/expression =>
	comma at-sign expression OR comma-at-sign-expression.

7) [Page 12, col 2, line -14] In the phrase "equal? is the coarsest
	or most liberal", liberal has too many meanings; I suggest
	dropping the phrase "or most liberal".

8) [Page 20, col 1, line -20] rouding => rounding.

9) [Page 22, col 2, line -19] uppper => upper.

10) [Page 27, col 2] call-with-xxput-file => call-with-xxput-port.

11) [Page 38, col 1, ref 14] No page numbers.

Wow! What an improvement!  