Registration Form


Welcome to Electronic Registration for 6.837 Computer Graphics.

Fill in the blanks with all the requested information and then select the Submit button at the bottom to submit your data. You will also need to take your picture using the IndyCam on an SGI Indy, save it, and enter the full path to the picture. Instructions are are provided below. Be sure to indicate whether or not you would like to have your photo in the class directory in the appropriate field in the form. You may fill out this form multiple times; only the most recent data is retained.

If you encounter problems with this please contact us at

An explanation of each input field is also available; you can read the explanation for a particular input field by selecting the link which is part of the header for that input field.

What is your full name (last name first)?

By what name would you prefer to be addressed?

What course are you?

What year are you?

What is your FULL email address?

If you have a home page, what is its url?

What do you hope to learn from this course?

How many of the following courses have you had?

Computer Graphics
Linear Algebra
Probability or Statistics
Fourier analysis or Digital Signal Processing

Have you ever...

Used a Silicon Graphics workstation?
Programmed in C++?
Programmed in C?
Programmed in Java?
Programmed in GL or OpenGL?

Can you attend tutorials and other special events at the following times?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

What is the likelihood that you will take this class for credit?

Instructions for taking your picture with the IndyCam.

What is the URL to your picture (don't forget the "http://"):

Note: Please make sure your picture readable via the web.
Read the IndyCam instructions (above) if you don't know how to do this.

Can we include your picture in the class directory?

No Yes

Last modified Tue Aug 20 1997 by jslevene