
Summary of benchmarks and generated code as of July, 2002

All C code for a Pentium IV processor was run on a Intel® Xeon™ 2.20 GHz, 512KB L2 cache, 2 GB RAM. All timing information was gathered with the time command. Here is the contents of the /proc/cpuinfo file.

Benchmark Description lines of code # of constructs in the program Number of filters in the expanded graph
filters pipelines splitjoins feedbackloops
FIR 64 tap FIR 125 5 1 0 0 132
Radar Radar array front-end 549 8 3 6 0 52
Radio FM Radio with an equalizer 525 14 6 4 0 26
Sort 32 element Bitonic Sort 419 4 5 6 0 242
FFT 64 element FFT 200 3 3 2 0 24
Filterbank 8 channel Filterbank 650 9 3 1 1 51
GSM GSM Decoder 2261 26 11 7 2 46
Vocoder 28 channel Vocoder 1964 55 8 12 1 101
3GPP 3GPP Radio Access Protocol 1087 16 10 18 0 48
Benchmark 250 MHz RAW processor C on a 2.2 GHz Intel Pentium IV
StreamIt on 16 tiles C on a single tile
Utilization # of tiles used MFLOPS Throughput (per 105 cycles) Throughput (per 105 cycles) Throughput (per 105 cycles)
FIR 86% 14 815 1188.1 293.5 445.6
Radar 79% 16 1,231 0.52 app. too large 0.041
Radio 73% 16 421 53.9 8.85 14.1
Sort 64% 16 N/A 2,664.4 225.6 239.4
FFT 42% 16 182 2,141.9 468.9 448.5
Filterbank 41% 16 644 256.4 8.9 7.0
GSM 23% 16 N/A 80.9 app. too large 7.76
Vocoder 23% 15 118 8.74 app. too large 3.35
3GPP 18% 16 44 119.6 17.3 65.7