GSM Benchmark Summary

This file details a summary of how the numbers were obtained for this benchmark.

Benchmark Description lines of code # of constructs in the program Number of filters in the expanded graph
filters pipelines splitjoins feedbackloops
GSM GSM Decoder 2261 26 11 7 2 46
Benchmark 250 MHz RAW processor C on a 2.2 GHz Intel Pentium IV
StreamIt on 16 tiles C on a single tile
Utilization # of tiles used MFLOPS Throughput (per 105 cycles) Throughput (per 105 cycles) Throughput (per 105 cycles)
GSM 23% 16 N/A 80.9 app. too large 7.76

StreamIt Number Calculations

No StreamIt numbers were available.

C Code Single Tile Raw Number Calculations

The GSM Application was too large to fit on a single RAW tile.

C Code Number Calculations

Performing 1 iteration at 14016000 outputs/iteration.
Runtime for 1 iteration is 4.065 seconds.

Number of cycles per iteration: 1 iterations/ 4.065 second * 14016000 outputs / 1 iteration * 1 second / 2.2*10^9 cycles * 10^5 cycles = 156.726 outputs / 10^5 cycles.