My Publications |
Papers |
Trust and Reputation L. Mui, M. Mohtashemi, S. Verma (2004) "A group and reputation model for the emergence of voluntarism in open source development,,"Working Paper. (For citation, please contact lmui). [pdf] M. Mohtashemi & L. Mui (2003) "Evolution of indirect reciprocity by social information: the role of Trust and reputation in evolution of altruism.","Journal of Theoretic Biology, Vol 223/4, pp. 523-531. [pdf] [word] L. Mui (2003) Computational Models of Trust and Reputation: Agents, Evolutionary Games, and Social Networks, Ph.D. Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [pdf] L. Mui, A. Halberstadt & M. Mohtashemi (2003) "Evaluating Reputation in Multi-agents Systems."" in Trust, Reputation, and Security: Theories and Practices, R. Falcone, S. Barber, L. Korba, M. Singh (Eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003, pp. 123-137. [pdf] [word] L. Mui (2002) "Toward Realistic Models for Evolution of Cooperation," MIT LCS Memorandum. [PowerPoint] [postscript] [word] L. Mui & M. Mohtashemi (2002) "Notions of Reputation in Multi-agent Systems: A Review," AAMAS'2002 and MIT LCS Memorandum. L. Mui, M. Mohtashemi, A. Halberstadt (2002) "A Computational Model of Trust and Reputation," 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS). (Best Paper Nominee) [postscript] [word] L. Mui, M. Mohtashemi, C. Ang, P. Szolovits, A. Halberstadt (2001) "Ratings in Distributed Systems: A Bayesian Approach," Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS'2001). (Best Paper Nominee) [postscript] [word] L. Mui, M. Mohtashemi, C. Ang, (2001) “A Probabilistic Rating Framework for Pervasive Computing,” MIT Student Oxygen Workshop (SOW'2001). [postscript] [word] L. Mui, C. Ang (2001) "Collaborative Sanctioning: Applications in Restaurant Recommendation based on Reputation," [poster] Autonomous Agents Conference (Agents'2001). A. Halberstadt, L. Mui (2001) "Group and Reputation Modeling in Multi-Agent Systems," [poster] NASA Goddard/JPL Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts, [postscript] [word] Distributed Systems L. Mui, P. Szolovits, H. Ladds, R. Riccio (2001) "Healthcare Web Services for Handheld Devices in Developing Countries," Development by Design Workshop'01: Collaborative Open Source Design of Appropriate Technologies. M. Wu, L. Mui, M. Mohtashemi, P. Szolovits (2001) "Secure Health Information Sharing System: SHARE," [poster] Proceedings American Medical Informatics Association. Artificial Intelligence F. Tanudjaja, L. Mui (2002) "Persona: A Contextualized and Personalized Web Search, " 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS). W. Koh, L. Mui (2001) "An information-theoretic approach for ontology-based interest matching," International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Ontology Learning Workshop, Seattle, WA. L. Mui, A. Agarwal, A. Gupta, P. S. P. Wang (1994) "An Adaptive Modular Neural Network with Application to Unconstrained Character Recognition," International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 8(5), pp.1189-1204. Image Processing C. F. Westin, S. Warfield, A. Bhalerao, L. Mui, J. Richolt, R. Kikinis (1998) "Tensor Controlled Local Structure Enhancement of CT Images for Bone Segmentation," Proceedings MICCAI'98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, Vol 1496, pp. 1205-1212. Miscellaneous L. Mui, S. Dopson (1998) "The Role of Medical Directors in Clinical Directorate," Oxford Health Care Management Institute Paper. K.J. Chang, S.Y. Oh, N. Chang, L. Mui, S. Peng, K. Young, and P. Raje (1993) "Nondestructive multilevel interconnect parameter characterization for high-performance manufacturable VLSI technologies," IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology, pp. 135-136.
Book Chapter |
L. Mui, A. Agarwal, A. Gupta, P. S. P. Wang (1994) "An Adaptive Modular
Neural Network with Application to Unconstrained Character Recognition," in
H. Bunke, P. S. P. Wang, H. Baird (eds) Document Image Analysis,
World Scientific Publishing. |
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