My research uses computer engineering principles of abstraction, composition, and interface specifications to build programmable bio-organisms with sensors and actuators precisely controlled by logic circuitry. Here, recombinant DNA-binding proteins represent signals, and recombinant genes perform the computation by regulating protein expression. To demonstrate basic cellular computation and intercellular communication, I have constructed and tested biochemical gates in Escherichia coli that implement the AND, NOT and IMPLIES logic operations. After measuring and modifying the ``device physics'' of these gates, I combined matching gates to implement several small circuits. To aid in this biocircuit design process I implemented BioSpice, a prototype genetic circuit simulation and verification tool.
Finally, I defined the Microbial Colony Language (MCL), a simple programming paradigm that could be instantiated in-vivo with small circuits and intercellular communications. This intermediate-level programming language is used to explore how to achieve globally coordinated behavior (e.g. pattern formation) from a large number of unreliable computing elements such as programmed cells that are constrained to communicate locally.
My contributions so far:
"Cellular Computation and Communications using
Engineered Genetic Regulatory Networks", Faculty Candidate Job Talk,
March/April 2001:
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"Engineered Communications for Microbial Robotics", DNA6 Sixth International Meeting on DNA Based
Computers, June 2000:
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"Digitally Programmed Cells", Workshop on
Biomolecular Computation: Its Potential and Applications, October
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"Toward in-vivo digital circuits", Dimacs Workshop on
Evolution as Computation, January 1999:
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PhD Proposal, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, January, 1999:
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"Programming Biological Cells", ASPLOS-VIII, Eighth
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages
and Operating Systems, Wild and Crazy
Ideas Session, October 1998:
Other relevant links:
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Page Last Modified -- 04/18/2001