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Using Scheme records in C code

External modules can create records and access their slots positionally.

The argument to s48_make_record should be a shared binding whose value is a record type. In C the fields of Scheme records are only accessible via offsets, with the first field having offset zero, the second offset one, and so forth. If the order of the fields is changed in the Scheme definition of the record type the C code must be updated as well.

For example, given the following record-type definition

(define-record-type thing :thing
  (make-thing a b)
  (a thing-a)
  (b thing-b))
the identifier :thing is bound to the record type and can be exported to C:
(define-exported-binding "thing-record-type" :thing)
Thing records can then be made in C:
static s48_value
  thing_record_type_binding = S48_FALSE;

void initialize_things(void)
  thing_record_type_binding =

s48_value make_thing(s48_value a, s48_value b)
  s48_value thing;

  S48_GC_PROTECT_2(a, b);

  thing = s48_make_record(thing_record_type_binding);
  S48_RECORD_SET(thing, 0, a);
  S48_RECORD_SET(thing, 1, b);


  return thing;
Note that the variables a and b must be protected against the possibility of a garbage collection occuring during the call to s48_make_record().

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