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Flonum Operations

A flonum is an inexact real number that is implemented as a floating-point number. In MIT Scheme, all inexact real numbers are flonums. For this reason, constants such as 0. and 2.3 are guaranteed to be flonums.

procedure+: flo:flonum? object

Returns #t if object is a flonum; otherwise returns #f.

procedure+: flo:= flonum1 flonum2

procedure+: flo:< flonum1 flonum2

procedure+: flo:> flonum1 flonum2

These procedures are the standard order and equality predicates on flonums. When compiled, they do not check the types of their arguments.

procedure+: flo:zero? flonum

procedure+: flo:positive? flonum

procedure+: flo:negative? flonum

Each of these procedures compares its argument to zero. When compiled, they do not check the type of their argument.

procedure+: flo:+ flonum1 flonum2

procedure+: flo:- flonum1 flonum2

procedure+: flo:* flonum1 flonum2

procedure+: flo:/ flonum1 flonum2

These procedures are the standard arithmetic operations on flonums. When compiled, they do not check the types of their arguments.

procedure+: flo:negate flonum

This procedure returns the negation of its argument. When compiled, it does not check the type of its argument. Equivalent to (flo:- 0. flonum).

procedure+: flo:abs flonum

procedure+: flo:exp flonum

procedure+: flo:log flonum

procedure+: flo:sin flonum

procedure+: flo:cos flonum

procedure+: flo:tan flonum

procedure+: flo:asin flonum

procedure+: flo:acos flonum

procedure+: flo:atan flonum

procedure+: flo:sqrt flonum

procedure+: flo:expt flonum1 flonum2

procedure+: flo:floor flonum

procedure+: flo:ceiling flonum

procedure+: flo:truncate flonum

procedure+: flo:round flonum

procedure+: flo:floor->exact flonum

procedure+: flo:ceiling->exact flonum

procedure+: flo:truncate->exact flonum

procedure+: flo:round->exact flonum

These procedures are flonum versions of the corresponding procedures. When compiled, they do not check the types of their arguments.

procedure+: flo:atan2 flonum1 flonum2

This is the flonum version of atan with two arguments. When compiled, it does not check the types of its arguments.

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