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Re: IE 4.0.1 on 385ED

On Sun, 15 Mar 1998, David Ross wrote:

> > Does anyone know why Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.1 would have
> >this big lag when opening sites and refreshing the screen data compared to
> >running Netscape Communicator 4.04 on the same 385ED machine?  I have 80
> >megs of ram..
> This depends a bit on the web site; IE4 and Netscape4 open bits in different
> orders, and of course handle Java, Javascript, graphics, etc. with different
> code.  You might also try twiddling the IE4 options.

	I doubt it's the websites because it's fast on my desktop.  And I
was comparing the same sites at the same time.

> Even on my Sun, Netscape seems to be a bit faster than IE4; personally, I
> prefer the user interface so much on the latter that I put up with the
> difference.

	Oh well, I need to use IE4 for MS Investor and my Stock Quotes
program which uses IE4.

> >HongKong Stars/Gravis UltraSound Mailing Lists Admin
> Too bad your 385ED doesn't have use the IW chip for sound, eh?-)

	Yep... I can hardly hear the sound from this thing.  The volume
only goes from 1-5 and not 1-10! =(  I wonder if the 385ED uses stereo or
mono speakers.  I'm using both a GUS PnP and the EWS Audio System 64XL.

Vince - vince@MCESTATE.COM - vince@GAIANET.NET           ________   __ ____ 
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HongKong Stars/Gravis UltraSound Mailing Lists Admin /_/_/_/_/|___/|_|[____]