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Re: IE 4.0.1 on 385ED

> Does anyone know why Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.1 would have
>this big lag when opening sites and refreshing the screen data compared to
>running Netscape Communicator 4.04 on the same 385ED machine?  I have 80
>megs of ram..

This depends a bit on the web site; IE4 and Netscape4 open bits in different
orders, and of course handle Java, Javascript, graphics, etc. with different
code.  You might also try twiddling the IE4 options.

Even on my Sun, Netscape seems to be a bit faster than IE4; personally, I
prefer the user interface so much on the latter that I put up with the

>HongKong Stars/Gravis UltraSound Mailing Lists Admin

Too bad your 385ED doesn't have use the IW chip for sound, eh?-)

- David