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Re: 163 Date and Time Error in TP701CS

I believe the RTC battery is on the bottom system board,  the battery
you're thinking of is the standby battery.  The standby battery is what
suppliees power to memory for a minute or so while you hot swap the main
batteries.  The RTC battery is what keeps date and time in the CMOS. 
While the standby battery is replacable, the RTC battery isn't, which is
really stupid.  Who knows, maybe it was done that way intentionally, IBM
has a track record for being a pain in the butt about some things.
-Greg A.

Paul Khoury wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Mar 1998 09:59:35 -0500, Drew Gazey wrote:
> >163 Date and time errors usually are an indication the CMOS battery is dying.
> >
> >   Unfortunately - I believe the battery is actually soldered into the system
> >board.
> Nope, this one is user replaceable.
> >
> >   Fortunately - the 701 has a 3 year warranty and you are probably still
> >covered ...
> >
> >   Give IBM a call or take it to a local IBM authorized servicer.
> >
> Just order the battery from the Boulder parts center.
> --
> Paul Khoury   <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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