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Re: Startup problem 760ed

On Tue, 20 Jan 1998 08:58:38 -0400, Sandy Hines wrote:

>My 760ed has recently, the last three mornings, been difficult to get 
>started.  It powers up to the thinkpad screen but that is it.  I hear 
>a single strangled squack from the speaker and then nothing else 
>happens it just hangs.  This morning it took about 20 min to get the 
>thing started.
>I have removed and replugged all of the bay componnets i.e. drives, 
>battery and such, with no change.  It does not even get to the floppy 
>so my emergency startup disk doesn't work.
>I recently updated to Office 97, which made me delete several prgrams 
>(not enough disk space) in order to install it.  I do not know if 
>this could effect the start-up?
>Any help would be appreciated.

Have you recently added any new memory?


Paul Khoury
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