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Startup problem 760ed

My 760ed has recently, the last three mornings, been difficult to get 
started.  It powers up to the thinkpad screen but that is it.  I hear 
a single strangled squack from the speaker and then nothing else 
happens it just hangs.  This morning it took about 20 min to get the 
thing started.

I have removed and replugged all of the bay componnets i.e. drives, 
battery and such, with no change.  It does not even get to the floppy 
so my emergency startup disk doesn't work.

I recently updated to Office 97, which made me delete several prgrams 
(not enough disk space) in order to install it.  I do not know if 
this could effect the start-up?

Any help would be appreciated.


Sandy Hines

I have really learned the value in backing up your hardrive.
Alexander (Sandy) Hines, MBA
Information & Ocen Technologies
Nova Scotia Innovation Corporation
101 Research Drive   PO Box 790
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 3Z7, Canada
Phone: 902 424 8670 ext. 155
       800 565 7051
Fax:   902 465 7384
Email: shines@innovacorp.ns.ca
WWW    http://www.innovacorp.ns.ca