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RE: Modem problem on 365XD

On 15 Dec 97, David Ross penned the following:

> > 
> > I have a 365XD with a PCMCIA Zoom 38.8 modem and have lately 
> > encountered a problem trying to go online with it.  Everytime I try 
> > to dial out, it tells me that another program is using the dial-up 
> > connection and then aborts.
> This is reported by DUN when the com port is locked, wither by another
> modem/device or by your specific modem.  If you have a windows-only modem
> with some sort of initialization software, try rerunning the software before
> running DUN or your comms program.

Sandra asked:
>Thus my question....how do you get it to run properly?  To my 
>knowledge, the modem is not a windows-only modem and I've never had 
>to run initialization software before.  It WAS working until the last 
>two times I turned on my laptop and then all of a sudden it acts like 
>something else is using the modem.  Could the modem have locked into 
>some state that causes this?


Yes.  I've seen this a lot on modems because the discovery of them is tricky, and 95 checks for new ones on every boot of the OS.  When it "finds" one, you may not even notice.

Try this procedure, specifically:

  Start--->Settings--->Control Panel---->System-->Device Manger-->Modems

  Verify your modem is there and only once.  Sometimes discovery dupliation causes two modems to appear here.  If not goto step B.
  If there are two modems, (usually one has a red X through it), write down the manufacture and model, delete them both and restart your laptop.  Win95 will usually discover just one now.  Note: This also happens when multiple, similiar versions of the same modem driver are installed in \windows\inf.  You should track this down, because it will probably happen again.
  If restarting discovers nothing, search for new hardware, as in:

 Start-->Settings-->Control Panel-->Add New hardware.

   Still nothing, manually add modem by choosing the manufacture and model you wrote down in step A.

Step B:

 My Computer-->DialUpNetworking-->FailingConnectionName(right click)-->Properties-->Configure modem

This will verify your modem is properly associated with the (failing) connection .  It will also tell you which COM port the PCMCIA modem is using.

If your still stuck, maybe you should consider OS/2 or linux, they handle modems in a more "traditional way" :)      <----------thats a smiley.

Good luck,
Aaron Brown.

Open Eye Systems