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Re: Modem problem on 365XD

On Mon, 15 Dec 1997 22:12:40 -0500, Sandra Rozhon wrote:

>On 15 Dec 97, David Ross penned the following:
>> > 
>> > I have a 365XD with a PCMCIA Zoom 38.8 modem and have lately 
>> > encountered a problem trying to go online with it.  Everytime I try 
>> > to dial out, it tells me that another program is using the dial-up 
>> > connection and then aborts.
>> This is reported by DUN when the com port is locked, wither by another
>> modem/device or by your specific modem.  If you have a windows-only modem
>> with some sort of initialization software, try rerunning the software before
>> running DUN or your comms program.
>Thus my question....how do you get it to run properly?  To my 
>knowledge, the modem is not a windows-only modem and I've never had 
>to run initialization software before.  It WAS working until the last 
>two times I turned on my laptop and then all of a sudden it acts like 
>something else is using the modem.  Could the modem have locked into 
>some state that causes this?
Have you tried taking it out, and putting it back in again, or starting the system
with it out, or other ideas like that?  Or maybe it's not seated properly,
though I highly doubt this.
